2d | 3d | Infograhics
Tantrwm Digital Media will work with you to take a complex idea, vision or dream and make it an animated reality. You could have accurately designed architectural engineering plans that need to be visualised or you might have just the embers of an idea that require exploration in a visual manner. We can help.
Our designers and animators take your plans and dreams and turn them into tangible assets that can help you get a feel for a situation. With the advent of VR we can place you inside the action and give your audience an experience that is second only to the real thing.
Our animations have been viewed in 360° domes at science centres, in museums, at exhibitions, in sales situations, AGMs and on cinema screens.
Concepts & ideas, visions and dreams.
Through animation you can explain concepts & ideas, visions and dreams.
As well as helping you visualise, animation is sometimes the only way to explain a complex situation.
Tantrwm digital media have used animation to:
- Convey messages about sexual exploitation, where getting actors would have been inappropriate for the client.
- To explain cancer cells inside a woman’s body.
- Sharing good practice with regards to online activity.
- Assist with understanding computer programs.
- Convey business plans to staff members.
- Reduce the bulk and aid understanding of an annual report.