Web Video Production

Square | HTML5 | H264/5

Video and the web are made for one another. Tantrwm create video content optimised for all of the major online platforms. We were delivering web video long before BBC’s iPlayer and make a point of keeping up to date with the emerging trends and standards in online video.

Often a project will involve making multiple versions of the same film for various online delivery platforms. A three minute, widescreen epic might end up on YouTube with closed-captions as well as shortened square versions with subtitles for social media channels like Instagram and Facebook.

Alongside our experience as video producers, we also understand web development when it comes to integrating your video into your digital strategy. This means we can deliver your video in the right format, help you decide upon #hashtags and keywords to tag it with for each platform and get the analytics you need to measure its impact and reach.

We understand what plug-ins might be required for your WordPress or Drupal site and can host or deploy websites to distribute your video. Tantrwm Digital Media can really help and make your life easier when it comes to Web Video.

Delivering web video for 2 decades!

160 Websites
WordPress only since 2010
16 years delivering web video

Focus on your message not the delivery medium.

Be it h.264/5 QuickTime or HTML5 video Tantrwm Digital Media can help you navigate the technical side of video production as well as creating the compelling content you need to make a splash online.

Tantrwm Digital Media’s priority is to take away the tech and help you focus and enjoy the creative process, enabling you to concentrate on the message and not the medium.

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