Presentations | Meetings | Seminars
Sometimes you need to communicate important information to your team in the UK as well as the extended stakeholders across the globe. That might take the form of a seminar and possibly a video conference. This restricts the number of participants, requires costly equipment to be installed and often dedicated and expensive telephone lines.
Tantrwm support you in your seminar or meeting and can discretely get your message to an unlimited audience. You can have live interaction through text and on screen messaging and even have them ‘dial in’ and participate.
You can monetise a presentation and capture valuable email contacts.
If you are hosting a live training course, it’s possible to add ‘pay-walls’ and email sign up forms to capture more from your audience.
Bite-sized chunks
Likewise, if you are an educational establishment or a training organisation, it is straight forward to initially let your live event be viewed for free. Then after the event a payment gateway can be activated in order that repeat viewing or on demand video generates an income for you.
You can also take the films from a live seminar and then edit them into more bite-sized chunks of digestible information. This could then sit on an e-learning platform of your choice.
Tantrwm can help in all circumstances and welcome the opportunity to talk through your specific requirements and ambitions. Call Andrew or Chris to discuss things further.