Chainey’s visit to Parliament

Recently, Andrew Chainey, the company director of Tantrwm, was invited to Westminster to visit the British parliament.

Speaking about the experience of rubbing shoulders with the country’s top political figures in parliament, he said ‘It was bonkers. It was humbling, yet empowering’.

Chainey was invited to Parliament as a result of winning a competition as a member of the Institute of Directors [IoD], Wales.

Being a member of The IoD means Chainey gets to meet people who are visionaries in their field, while also getting to meet experienced directors in their specified industry. It also means he gets the opportunity to learn about a variety of services and industries outside of the creative industry.

‘It’s nice to get outside the business and talk to like-minded people’ Chainey explained, ‘It’s refreshing to meet people from other business sectors.

Tantrwm may be a small local business but we’re a professional one. We’re always striving to go further with our work, Andrew’s visit to Parliament is a perfect example of how far hard work and dedication can take you.

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