Marketing Archives, Libraries and Museums

Marketing Archives, Libraries and Museums of Wales.

We have been lucky enough to work with the marketing team for the National Libraries and Archives of Wales for the past five years. In this time we have created cartoons, documentaries, posters, booklets and even specially designed library cards for children.

The fact that Tantrwm have the ability to work in all these disciplines has made life much easier for the client as they know they can use us as a one-stop-shop. And because we consistently deliver on our promises, they have chosen to work with us time and again.

Here are a examples of the projects we have delivered.

Tell Us Your Story:

This project showcased some of the amazing stories just waiting to be discovered in welsh archives.
Tantrwm worked with the marketing team on a social media campaign to find real people who had uncovered great pieces of local or family history by using their local archive.
Once the stories had been identified, we produced a series of touching documentaries that shared each one with the world.

The Bibli Family:

There is something for everyone at your local library. But not everybody realises. Tantrwm created the Bibli Family. A multi-generation cartoon family who were used across Welsh Libraries marketing in their 2011 marketing campaign.

Tantrwm created a series of cartoons which highlighted the services that were on offer at the library and the characters were used across all the other marketing including print, web and social media.

One of the most successful parts of this campaign was creating a facebook profile the teenage character, Lauren Bibli. This was managed by a group of young people and was a great way of communicating directly with this difficult to reach group.

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