Live-streaming a conference on the future of digital

Future of digital: Digital 2013

In the Summer of 2013, Tantrwm was tasked with filming and live-streaming the “DIGITAL 2013” event at the Celtic Manor Resort. During the event, key decision makers from across the public and private sectors came together and connected with a view to tackling the technological challenges faced by Welsh educators and businesses in the 21st Century.

The keynote presentations were passionate with in-depth analyses about the state of the technology landscape in Wales at the time. The  influential  speakers included Welsh Telecom entrepreneur Sir Terry Matthews,  Radio and TV presenter Maggie Philbin, and the then Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, Jeff Cuthbert AM.

The two day event was attended by over 1200 delegates , with discussions that included “The importance of Technology based apprenticeship schemes” and the “role to be played by employers in shaping the educational landscape and agenda”.

Also, the event served the purpose of delineating an outline of  the future of technology in Wales,  where new technologies such as “the Cloud” or “Internet of Things” will shape business interactions and alter work dynamics.

Tantrwm Ltd joined the organizers at the cutting edge of technology, by providing the event with their vision of globally accessible information, and capturing the conference’s content with their modern video live-streaming equipment and technology, which they used to reach out on-line, and to make the content from the event available to thousands of potential viewers worldwide.

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