Tantrwm – Creative Director

Meet Stephen, our creative director.

They say that opposites attract. Well I guess that is the case with Stephen and myself.

Stephen gets to the detail of a script or an idea, I paint the big picture. Stephen worries about the practicalities, I envisage the joyous end result. Stephen asks ‘How are we going to do that?’ and I say ‘When are we doing it?’. I say lets buy that new helicopter drone and Stephen reminds me that we really need a lens repaired!

It is great working with Stephen, a talented, creative, and diligent individual who devours books and loses himself in subjects from science to sport. Over the 10 years that we have known each other we have built a relationship of mutual respect and trust.  He has been given the space to develop and has become a talented camera operator. A skill that compliments his recognised ability as a script crafter and storyteller and this is evidenced in the above film.

When you work with Tantrwm you will at some point encounter both of us. You will get to know our similarities and differences. Together, our nuances, skills, vision and differences make Tantrwm a unique small business that brings customers back time and time again.

Andrew Chainey.

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