Filming Overseas


Filming Overseas

Our work often sends us to the four corners of the UK and occasionally overseas. Creating video bilingually is one particular skill that we have honed over the years. This skill makes filming overseas so much easier. We’ve worked in many different countries creating films in Mandarin, French, Welsh and Czechoslovakian. Having an understanding of translation makes it so much easier to understand and work with other languages. Although we have the capability to speak several different languages between us, we do have to use interpreters now and again. However knowing how language works is integral in constructing a coherent story. Heres an example an overseas project we worked on for Le Chaudron D’or (The Cauldron of Gold) in France.

Creating Films for Le Chaudron D’or

Le Chaudron D’or is an artisanal nougaterie in the heart of Montélimar where the nougat is lovingly made with the best quality raw materials in traditional copper cauldrons. However just telling people about the product and the produce doesn’t quite invoke the passion and pride behind it. This is something only video can achieve. Chaudron d’or didn’t have the budget to stretch to our usual 2-3 person crew size. Instead, our expertise in taking available budgets to get the maximum out of them came in to play. We were able to scale down our equipment so that one person could travel carrying all the kit they needed strategically packed away into a case and hand luggage. They also put us up in order to save on  hotel and food costs while we were there. Taking this approach allowed us to spend extra time in the factory getting the footage needed (as usually there would be more people which would mean more content in a shorter time). It also meant we could immerse ourselves in the culture of the company, understanding it from the inside out. Combined with the fantastic hospitality we were shown by the owner, Julian Cornillet it made for a fantastic experience. It also provided Chaudron D’or with a number of films that now take pride of place on their website. If you want to find out more about filming overseas or bilingual video, Call Chris or Andrew on 01685 876700
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