A Cryptocurrency First

A Cryptocurrency First

This week saw us get into the world of cryptocurrency by being the first people to book a cinema with it. Sol Cinema is a vintage mobile cinema based in Swansea and has been hired to celebrate our 20th anniversary. It will form one of the many attractions at our anniversary celebrations at Merthyr Mawr in July.

Attractions include cinema, live music, silent disco, mobile bar, karaoke, magic, comedy, arts and crafts and much more. The event will take place over two days and will accommodate camping for up to 500 people. Sol Cinema requested to be paid in crypto rather than in regular Sterling. We were happy to oblige, and now both companies are excited by the possibilities of this new form of currency.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a digital payment system that doesn’t rely on banks to verify transactions. Instead of being physical money, cryptocurrency payments exist as digital entries that describe specific transactions. Cryptocurrencies can act like real money. They take a digital form and are not managed or governed by any central authority.

Encrypted with specialized computer code called cryptography, crypto is more secure. It’s designed like a complicated puzzle on purpose so that it’s hard to crack. Director of Tantrwm Andrew Chainey explained his reasons for using cryptocurrency for the booking.  “Tantrwm has been at the forefront of technology in Wales for two decades. We were delighted to pay the Sol Cinema in CARDANO. We believe in Open-Source, and peer to peer technology. If more organisations in Wales embraced emerging technologies then there is a possibility of creating real ’silicon-valleys’. It’s not just coal you know”.

The Sol Cinema was created from a 1972 caravan by artist Jo Furlong. Adding plush seating, lighting and surround sound he created a unique mobile experience. The technology in the cinema is powered by solar energy which has seen the cinema win a number of awards. These include awards for best use of sustainable technology and best communication project. Interested in celebrating our anniversary?

If you know us or have worked with us in the past, get in touch. Camping spaces are running out fast so don’t delay.

Call now on 01685 876700

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