Community shares allow ordinary people to do great things. By coming together to buy a stake in the future of something they care about, they can achieve more than any one person can alone.
They are a safe and legally secure way for a group of people to pool their money, and make a bigger difference.
By investing in the services and facilities that matter to them, and by having a say in the way they are run, communities gain a sense of ownership and grow stronger as they work together to change their future.
What are the benefits?
- Community shares are an ideal way for communities to invest in enterprises serving a community purpose.
- Investors have the satisfaction of knowing they have helped transform their communities.
- Shareholders have a democratic say in how their scheme is run.
- Each Investor has one vote, regardless of their shareholding.
- Backers have the potential to make a return on their investment.
- Investors could trade volunteer hours on the project for shares.
- Helps build strong independent communities.
- Helps fund projects which might struggle to find traditional forms of investment.
The Wales Cooperative centre wanted to get this information out to as many people as possible and approached Tantrwm to create films around 4 projects. These required visiting each project and included interviews with project members alongside Wales Co-operative staff.
 The projects were :-
- a community group who saved a local wood from being built on.
- slow internet speeds that drove a village to put its own super fast broadband in place.
- a cricket club that made sure they were around for future generations.
- the saving of a local venue that was part of the musical heritage of Newport.
We filmed over two days to tell the stories of how each of the projects had benefited from the scheme and created individual films about each one, as well as an overview film explaining the scheme.
Get in touch and see how Tantrwm can help tell your story and show the world what you can do.