A stylish website for Paramount sliding doors company.
Paramount Sliding Doors are a classy outfit, specialising in bespoke storage solutions. Their problem was that their website didn’t embody their classy design aesthetic. So we created one that did. We started from the ground floor, designing a simple, clean logo and restricting ourselves to a minimal colour palette.
The site is rich in photography, showcasing the range of products that Pararmount use. To help them rocket up the search rankings on Google we also implemented a regime of regular blog posts where they showcase their latest jobs. These are linked to their social media accounts meaning what when they update their blogs, their Facebook and Twitter accounts are automatically updated.
The good folks at Paramount like their site so much that they have asked us to design great business cards and print promotional material for them reflecting the new style and branding. Tantrwm have been making websites for 15 years. We are accredited by Comptia as a trusted business, so you can be sure that our websites will help your business.