Libraries, Archives and Museums across Wales are finding new and exciting ways to get themselves noticed.
At the Libraries, Archives and Museums Marketing awards in Aberystwyth some of the best and most madcap ideas for getting the the public to visit them were celebrated. We were there as we were filming the awards.
From mummy themed nights at Swansea’s Egypt Centre to the archive in Ceredigion that gave out hot-pink branded napkins to local pubs and cafes to attract visitors there were great ideas to get visitors in that didn’t require huge marketing budgets, just huge imaginations. Jonathan Davies, professor of marketing at Cardiff University said “It really does show that with a little imagination you can make a big impact, without a big budget”.
In the current austere financial climate, libraries, museums and archives have less money than ever to market their services, and so being able to create their own publicity is more important than ever. Tantrwm sponsored the event, providing one of our fab iOgrapher filming kits to the overall winner. These kits allow you to bolt lights, miss and lenses onto an iPad to create a fully functioning camera rig.
“Everyone has access the kit to make great photos and great videos” Chainey said “You just need a good idea and the confidence to make a start. We gave away some great kit you can bolt onto your phone or tablet that gives you professional sound and pictures but even with just an iPad you can get great results”.
Libraries, archives and museums across Wales have seen their budgets slashed over the past five years and more than ever they need to let people know what is on offer. So the staff having great ideas to get the message out there is more important than ever.