The British Council and IATEFL were looking for new and interesting ways of using video to help people improve their English. We made some great online videos for them which were fun and educational.
Tantrwm created three series of fun and engaging comedy sketches, each carefully written to help develop the viewers command of the language. To do this we teamed script writers up with linguists and IATEFL teachers to ensure that the videos were fun and educational.
Elementary Pathways saw green screens used to put the characters into cartoon worlds and cartoon thought bubbles help the viewer understand what the characters are talking about.
The English Game series was produced in collaboration with the football Premier League and saw two learners compete to complete simple tasks like asking directions while pundits commentate on them as if they were footballers.
The videos were visually imaginative, but this was not a case of style over substance. The visual tricks and jokes used were carefully designed to help the learner understand what was being said and remember what they had learned.
These online videos have been used across the world and have been praised by both learners and teachers as a brilliant resource.
“It’s so wonderful! I really like it thank you!”
20/06/2013 – 06:35. Yemen
“Thank you very much for The English Game”
05/07/2013 – 16:58. Mexico
This project in numbers
- Used by 100’s of teachers across the world
- Over 100,000 views through the British Councils websites