An app that makes the hospitality industry greener

People 1st, were looking for a new way to educate front-line employees such as bar staff, to recognise how waste impacts the whole business.

Together with Tantrwm, they created “Think 1st” an ingenious app that helps the hospitality industry drive down waste and improve profit margins. By giving  front-line staff a different perspective on  business it allows them to participate and contribute to reducing costs of operation. The app places staff in the role of an hotel inspector tasked with visiting different businesses and identifying ways to reduce waste.

Using innovative interactive videos, the player is given a guided tour of a hospitality establishment where they ask questions to get more information. At the end of the tour they get the chance to make recommendations on how that business can improve and reduce waste.

Tantrwm worked closely with the industry to ensure  the final app  worked  and delivered real results for their businesses. Tantrwm was also able to offer their years of experience they have gained from the worlds leading change management specialists, to ensure their work was as effective as possible. This innovative and effective app is also available in Welsh.

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