
Tantrwm at Digital 2016

From the 6th to the 7th of June, Tantrwm were asked to film and live stream Digital 2016 at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport.  https://vimeo.com/287086412 Digital 2016 is a conference and exhibition at the forefront of the international digital revolution and Tantrwm were fortunate enough to be able to live stream over 30 hours […]

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Tantrwm-Digital-Meida-Creative-Live-Video-Production-British Council

Working with the British Council

Over the years, Tantrwm has provided a number of services for The British Council. For the last 8 years, Tantrwm has live-streamed British Council’s flagship IATEFL conference. This year, Tantrwm broadcast three live HD video streams simultaneously, and every year we take things up a gear in terms of technology, kit and quality. The British Council

Streaming, Video Production

We try to keep our office tidy, honest

We try to keep our office tidy, really we do. But there are times, every now and then, when you might walk in and be confronted by what to the untrained eye, might seem to be a hodge-podge of cables, circuitry and monitors. Like so… This however will generally mean that we are testing out

Latest News, Streaming

Live Event Streaming and Coverage

How do you increase your audience at an event without hiring larger expensive venues? Live Streaming! Isn’t Live Streaming for large organisations, and costly? No. At Tantrwm, we provide Live Streaming of any size event, and any location. Want to bring the lecture from one person to thousands of people? A day-long, multi-venue conference in

Latest News, Streaming

Prepping for Live Streaming Video at IATEFL 2016

https://vimeo.com/125904904 Spring is in the air. The sun is returning, the flowers are starting to bloom and at Tantrwm we are ‘all hands on deck’ getting ready for the live stream production that is the British Council IATEFL conference. Each and every year that Tantrwm have worked on the conference we take things up a

Latest News, Streaming

Live Stream Special Offer APRIL 2016

Live Stream you event with Tantrwm! Throughout April 2016 we are offering FREE Video Recording and Live Stream for up to two breakout rooms for every plenary / keynote session booked. This means that the breakout sessions / seminars will be FREE OF CHARGE, enabling you to extend your event’s live coverage without any extra

Latest News, Streaming

Periscope Vs Meerkat. Who is streaming with who?

In the last few months  we have witnessed a sort of ‘Battle Royal’ unfolding in the streaming Twitterverse, with plenty of surprises. This blow-by-blow, Game of Thrones-esque skirmish sees two of the hottest tickets currently up in the Cloud, Twitter’s own Periscope and its arch-nemesis, Meerkat. These ground breaking apps are now available both on

Latest News, Streaming

Smokie Live!

Whether you are an up & coming new local band looking to widen your audience, a seasoned, tour-hardened pro with a loyal following in faraway places, or a promoter pushing for one of your acts to make it to the big time, Live Streaming of your music event can offer instant worldwide access to your

Latest News, Streaming
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